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DavIn - Nine Years of Courage: Countdown to a Decade of Inspiration, Influence, and Intention

Sep 2, 2024

4 min read





As I approach the ten-year anniversary of DavIn Consulting, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey that began in 2015. What started as a dream to Inspire, Influence, and live with Intention has grown into a rewarding consulting business that has touched many lives. This Blog, I am calling the BLISS Blog, marks a new chapter, where I share my experiences, insights, and the lessons I've learned along the way.

The Inception of DavIn Consulting:

In May of 2015, I took a leap of faith and started DavIn Consulting. As I pondered over the idea, I asked a few of my colleagues, at the organization I was working at the time, and to my surprise, there were several nay-sayers. So, to the internet I went. I learned about many successes at that time, either launching out to start their own consulting business, which was not as common back in those days, to others like me, who wanted a side-gig to supplement their income or satisfy passions the day-gig did completely satisfy. That was it, I was ready to kick things off. The name “DavIn” was created to satisfy my goal, one that was simple yet profound: to Inspire living with Intention, Influence positivity, and help others find their purpose. The early days were filled with challenges, from finding clients to balancing my new venture with my full-time career at different global tech-organizations, over the years. But the passion for making a difference kept me going. Along with not one corporate job satisfying all my passions in life.


The Journey Over the Past Nine Years:

Over the past nine years, DavIn Consulting has evolved in ways I could never have imagined. From working with diverse clients to hosting workshops and seminars, each experience has been a link in the chain, steadily building and strengthening the foundation of my business over the years. The biggest catalyst is over the last year has been the creation of Savvy Davi. A name created by a colleague to help people to say my name correctly. (You get it right? Savvy rhymes with Davi). Taking Savvy Davi out of a work-project conversation, into mainstream conversations at work…and then out to my personal and consulting life, moved it to a crossover for FUN. That awesome kinda’ fun not requiring permission or agreement to use! Each time I heard someone say my name wrong, and it happens daily, sharing the “Savvy Davi” reference gave be another way to connect with them, to add some levity, and to be a little more memorable. But, it also adds fun in a corporate culture that is at times, is so very serious and not so fun. So, that is me pushing the envelope a little. Coloring outside the lines. But why must it be that way? Do we have to have lines on fun? Apparently some people need them for greater control. Frankly, it can feel stifling. So, engaging around Savvy Davi allows me to add a bit of levity, but not overdo it. And no need for permission to be given. After all, who is going to argue with me helping someone say my name correctly.

This lighter-side experience has created a new tag line for DavIn Consulting. There are many others that have not been quite as light. Here are other pivotal life moments that have shaped my journey and the focus of my business that I will bring to our Blog articles:

·         Client Success & Testimonials: The joy of seeing my first client achieve their goals is indescribable. Sharing their examples and testimonials is priceless!

·         Expanding Services: Adding new services learned from my life’s journey. I am introducing BLISS. (Begin, Light, Ignite, Spark, and Shine). A DavIn Consulting program to help support Workshop concepts, and Glow2Grow Session, along with sharing my courageous energy with others.

·         Workshops and Seminars: Hosting events that brought together like-minded individuals, with the strength of my knowledge and experiences.

·         Overcoming Challenges: Survived a debilitating infection and a surgical procedure that led to a blood transfusion to save my life. These major life experiences mixed with layoffs, divorce, and rebuilding a life, creating courageous conversations for development experiences and connections.

·         Community Engagement: Giving back to the community through volunteer workshops and Glow2Grow Sessions.


Balancing a Corporate Job and a Side Gig:

One of the biggest challenges has been balancing a corporate job with my consulting business. Some have asked me why do both? It is a choice, for sure, an intentional choice. A choice driven by a need to satisfy my passions. Although I have had amazing jobs at awesome organizations, no one job has ever satisfied my passions for sharing what I have learned through courageous survival. Bringing DavIn to life and now powering Savvy Davi and BLISS, I am excited to share at an elevated level.

Here are some strategies that have helped me:

-  Purposeful Prioritization: Prioritizing tasks and setting clear boundaries.

-  Abundant Optimism: Focusing on the positive aspects of both roles.

-  Intentional Support: Leaning on a support network of family, friends, and mentors.

-  Continuous Learning: Embracing opportunities for personal and professional growth.



The concept of "Permission2Shine" has been a guiding philosophy throughout this journey. But the name came in just the last couple of years. It's about recognizing that you don't need external validation to pursue your passions. You have the power to shine in your own unique way, whether in a corporate setting, through your own business, or successful side gig. It is all about courage, managing your feelings and reflective meditation. Sounds easy, but I know better than that. As I like to say, “If it were easy, everyone would be doing it!”. If you are curious register for a Permission2Shine Workshop.



As I look forward to the ten-year milestone, I'm excited to continue this journey of BLISS, helping you find more in your life, and helping me create another ten years of goodness.  

Thank you for being a part of this adventure. This Blog is a space where I hope to inspire others to embrace their individuality and live their BLISS-lives. Stay tuned for more stories, insights, and tips on how to live intentionally and shine brightly.

Sep 2, 2024

4 min read




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